Monday, December 17, 2012

Check mate or stalemate?

Am I the only one in Egypt who thinks we did almost TOO GOOD and TOO FANTASTIC on the first round of the referendum? Doesn't everybody see that we did SO GREAT, that despite the fact that they control the ballots and the counting, and despite the fact that they had predicted that we only control a lousy 10% minority at best, it actually looks like we "forced" them to announce an amazing 43% NO to
their constitution draft!

That being said, and despite the fact that it may look like we have an actual shot at bringing down this constitution in the second leg, does anyone else but me slowly develop the suspicion that they might be hypnotizing us with this positive midway result, so they can pull us into the second leg, where they will "kill" us? And if we assume that to be the case, doesn't it make sense to at least seriously consider the option of forcing a "stalemate" instead of making a dead draw move, and than find ourselves facing their "check mate"?

In other words, and away from chess jargon, I am claiming that RIGHT NOW may be the best time ever, and thus the RIGHT time to "declare victory", and to "quit while we're ahead". 
I claim that our national front should come out now and clearly announce that we've proven beyond the shadow of a doubt:
1.that this illegitimate draft has failed to get national public backing and consensus as they claimed
2.and that we as an opposition do not represent that ridiculous 10% minority as they claimed
3.and finally that their obvious flagrant cheating in the first round is reason enough for us to be certain that they will force the result they want in the second leg
and that we therefore are herewith stopping our participation in their referendum as of right now, and that we declare it finished and failed, and officially call for everyone not to go cast their votes in the second leg!

This way, we take the win, and they can take their constitution and officially shove it up their ekhwani ---.

Please think about it slowly, and read it over again at least once before you start bashing me. And do realize, that just today I posted a video stating that we did great and that we should be proud of ourselves, and that we should believe in our chance. BUT this doesn't stop me from allowing my mind to ponder about the broader perspective and to consider alternative strategies and better moves.

So, what will it be, stalemate or check mate?

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